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Become A Sponsor

The goal of Melissa's Wish™ is to help caregivers of those afflicted with a serious illness, injury or end of life event by many different ways. All contributed funds are used to help a caregiver in many different ways. Maybe is a paid of car loan, or a handicap ramp installed, or paid medical expense. Without the generous donations of our sponsors, Melissa's Wish and these programs would not be possible.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor for Melissa's Wish.
Please fill out this form and someone will get back to you quickly.
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Thank you for wanting to helping us make a difference!

Mail Us

Melissa's Wish Inc.

PO Box 45
Kings Park, NY 11754


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 631-663-3405

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